Best unsettling and bizarre horror movies
Best unsettling and bizarre horror movies

best unsettling and bizarre horror movies

The directors helped spread the rumor that it was a real snuff film, which led to a massive uproar of controversy. The film seems to include a real snuff film at the end, where the camera operators and film crew make their presence known and kill a woman while filming the movie. That’s what originally made this X-rated 70s flick about a Charles Manson-like cult so controversial. What is more unwatchable than a real snuff film? If you can think of something more terrible, good riddance.


Snuff (1976) This 70s film about a cult seems to have a real snuff movie at the ending. Obviously, the contents of these movies and the corresponding imagery are triggering, and certainly not safe for work. They’re all horrible, as far as we’re concerned. Again, as a second disclaimer, the rankings are relatively arbitrary and simply a rhetorical method for scanning the list easily. Still, the ranking itself should be taken with a grain of salt - and admittedly we haven’t even seen some of the greatest offenders on this list all the way through. So, for instance, while mainstream audiences might be able to stomach the first 25 movies, they might not be able to handle the last 25. As you move further and further down the list, though, the movies become increasingly explicit in what makes them unwatchable. The first few movies are disturbing only within their historical context. Regarding the ranking methodology, it is rather subjective. We exclude pornographic films unless they became an actual mainstream phenomenon and also have excluded any films that don’t include actors. There are a few simply bad movies as well. There are also movies where the subject matter is just too sad to watch, too real, too boring, too absurd, too cinematographically nauseating, or just too much of a nail-biter to finish without eating your hand off. The cataloging effort spans everything from movies with characters too despicable to watch to movies with unbearable torture scenes and sexual violence. “Horror” here has many definitions and is defined as simply movies that make audiences recoil and say “I can’t watch this.” This list attempts to provide the most comprehensive survey of the most disturbing horror films ever made worldwide.

best unsettling and bizarre horror movies

While the USSR has fallen in Russia, the one-party state Communist Party mentality reigns, and much of what is classified as Russian horror cinema is more like Gothic fairy tales than traditional horror. The atrocities of the Holocaust so deeply damaged the German psyche that to this very day, German cinema still consciously and subconsciously censors itself.

best unsettling and bizarre horror movies

Still from Matthew Barney’s punishing and disgusting musical opera River of Fundament. A similar logic is at work within Japanese cinema after Hiroshima and the end of World War II. In Italy, once the shackles of an oppressive top-down regime were unlocked, a flurry of insanely violent and obscene imagery was unleashed that was so extreme, it created some of the most shocking films ever made. While the United States and France have always made transgressive films, Italy’s horror boom corresponds with the fall of Italian fascism. The United States, Italy, Japan, and France have produced some of the most shocking movies of all time, movies that went so far that they become not just shocking and disturbing but unwatchable. How much is too much? At what point are things too violent? Too obscene? Too triggering? Too unwatchable? When do they cease being horror movies and become unbearably profane to a respective culture? Audition is 2000 horror movie from Japan that is disturbing and towards the top of the list. How far are filmmakers allowed to go without censorship? In a sense, then, the role of the macabre in mainstream cinema is an interesting barometer of a society’s openness. Historical regimes such as the Soviet Union in Russia and the Nazis in Germany repressed all horror cinema. In more repressive Middle Eastern countries, horror movies are an underground phenomenon. North Korea doesn’t even have a real film industry. Indeed, modern China doesn’t have horror movies, although Hong Kong does.


Mother! suffers from screeching (albeit intentional) sound design, plus a preachy and abstract plot.

Best unsettling and bizarre horror movies